Mobile Surgery Services
To General Dentists, Orthodontists, Pediatric Dentists, and Prosthodontists in the Chicagoland area:
We offer to bring our entire oral surgery team into your office (on days when you’re not using it, if you prefer). This enables your patients to stay in your office to complete their oral surgery care, rather than needing to go to someone else’s practice.
The benefits to your practice include:
- Monetize your office on a day or time when it would not otherwise be in use
- Patients will love to be able to get care from the dental office they know and trust, no referral to an unfamiliar outside office.
- Potentially shorter wait times for your patients to be seen and treated, expediting the completion of their treatment plans.
- Close collaboration with our surgeon (if that's what you prefer), so coordination of care is enhanced.
- Offer more services under your one roof, thereby potentially attracting more patients overall.
- No cost, added professional liability, or hassle for you or your team, we handle everything from A to Z after you send the referral.
- We offer reasonable oral surgery treatment fees, so that patients are spending less of their dental budget on their surgery care.
- Facilitate doing hybrid/"all-on" full arch restorative cases. Don't have all-on cases? Our lab partners will help you add this service.